SoloStrength FLEXI-GYM : A beautifully designed all-in-one system for fundamental exercises and progressive functional fitness for the professional trainer and home gym environment. a BRAND NEW self-contained all-in-one system that gives you everything you need from the fitness gym in your professional STUDIO or family/home gym! There is no faster, safer or effective way to keep yourself in great shape. SoloStrength is the fastest fitness on Earth – and a habit you can keep forever. Free Functional Fitness instructions and videos ( to learn how easy it is to use bodyweight exercise and leverage resistance movements for full body fitness – for beginners and advanced use. More info at: SoloStrength FLEXI-GYM and the complete lifestyle program instructions simplifies how you get your exercise and brings amazing fitness to you FASTER than ever before. GET YOUR SOLOSTRENGTH TODAY !

functional fitness equipment

New moves on SoloStrength using Fitness accessories

Bodyweight training and stretching support all on its own or add versatility with common fitness accessories such as balls, bands and bosu balls.  Visit us at for more information!


One fitness system for life…doesn’t that make sense?

solo-diannewlogo.jpgIf you could invest yourself into a versatile bodyweight based fitness system that you could use for any stage in your life for maximum health benefits – wouldn’t that be worthwhile? 

What’s the measure of a healthy life?  I think it changes for all of us at different times, but for certain the feeling that is desired is the same – vibrant, connected, energetic, strong and mobile – a healthy psychophysical state of being.

The SoloStrength bodyweight training and stretching system goes with you through each of the stages and demands in your life for a high value approach and support you will never grow out of.  Check it out!  See what others are saying who use the system with their  clients, in facilities and in their homes!  We know you won’t be dissappointed and stand behind our system with no questions return policy. !
Enjoy the day!

SoloStrength Bodyweight Training goes to FIBO in Germany

Our SoloStrength FUSE and bodyweight training and stretching system will be attending FIBO in Germany to meet with and discuss with a major industry leader to discuss various opportunities to work together to more broadly market and distribute our proprietary and simplified fitness system.  For more information, please subscribe to this blog for updates or visit !




SoloStrength offers bodyweight training solution for everyone!

SoloStrength offers bodyweight training solution for everyone!

A natural fitness system you will never outgrow:

SoloStrength Lifestyle Products Corp. has launched the most versatile and easy to use all in one Bodyweight Training system.  The full body exercise instructional guide and video’s are easy to learn and follow for beginners and modify for extreme fitness conditioning challenges!  The thoughtful and aesthetic design of the support system called the FUSE (Fitness Utility for Strength and Energy), is built to commercial grade quality for home or facility use and the support bar adjusts and locks securely in place in seconds to keep the movements flowing and efficient use of time with the least hassle.   Non-intimidating and versatile, our system is beginner and family friendly as much as it can be used as a elite strength trainer and very effective rehabilitation tool.  Fully supported natural body movements ensure comfort, security and safety to allow the body to unite and engaged with compound muscle movements.  We offer top of the industry customer satisfaction options and stand behind our product 100%.  Learn how our system alone, or with standard bodyweight training accessories (balls, band’s, bosu) is the most complete all-in-one system for your home or facility.  Visit us online for video introductions
