Announcing the SoloStrength Founder’s Program

SoloStrength will be offering a Founder’s Program to assist us in our initial launch and product exposure to the marketplace.   In return for select individuals participation, special prices on purchase will be provided, along with 3 no cost personal training sessions on the SoloStrength BodyForm Station using the complete full body strengthening, stretching and toning programs.  Email us at : for inquiry.  Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!

What are your thoughts on SoloStrength?

solostrength_horlogo_newemailsmall.jpg    Here we go…a new fitness product.

Who is this product for? 

The SoloStrength FUSE and complete fitness programs work equally well for absolute beginners, and those with great understanding of fitness training principles.  The benefits that set SoloStrength aside from the many fitness options, is that it is so incredibly simple to learn how to use, and personalize to your needs.  Second, is the incredible benefits that come from the speed of activity transitions (it takes only seconds to adjust the resistance level and move between exercises), thereby allowing you to do more, in less time, and recieve a great “cross-training” benefit similar to what you would experience by merging both cardio activity (biking, running, cycling) with weight training.  Only no weights, no fuss, no travel time, and no dirty equipment to concern about.

 SOLO is family and beginner friendly, and the benefit if you have kids, of them seeing you using SOLO goes beyond words.  Children naturally play and hang on the bar like they do at the playgrounds, and as they get older (programs aren’t recommended for children under 12), they can use SOLO themselves for keeping fit between activity and studying.  It’s really a lot of fun and you get such a great full body exercise so quickly, the benefits are felt right from the first day you use it.

When you see a 90 year old using the fully supported movements to just keep themselves mobile and feeling good…you know instinctively that this is a very valuable investment for your health – for you and your family. It takes up no more room than a treadmill, and can be folded for storage or transportation (though its meant to be left standing ready for use and convenience).

 We welcome your comments and feedback.  Please keep in mind that this is one solution amongst many, and people have different needs at different times in life.  If you are a professional fitness instructor, you know that you can use the equipment in the gym to simulate many of the movements in our programs.  What SoloStrength does is put that “full gym” benefit into a person’s home (or fitness studio to save redundant equipment) and provide a very efficient, simple and time saving solution to keeping a strong base of fitness – save time to go enjoy all the things you love doing – in a better state of health.

We look forward to hearing your comments.  Thank you for taking the time.

Introducing the best fitness program nature can offer…SoloStrength is launching summer 07

Can it be that fitness has just become far too complicated and for no real reason?  The technology that has so helped us to become more productive and comfortable with our lives, has also increased our workloads and efficiency of information flow…which means we are just busier people all around.

No time for exercise?  What about the going out on the odd weekend and bombing around on our bike, or tennis court, to find that we can hardly perform the way we thought we did…injuries from sedentray living and high stress living…just plain feeling wrotten about it…this is what happens when we don’t keep a satisfactory level of fitness.  We all know it.

Well, SoloStrength offers a solution to keeping a level of fitness that we can all be happy with, using easy programs that can be personalized throughout your entire life.  SoloStrength, is fitness basics made easy and fast.  Bodyweight exercise, home fitness, stretching, strengthening, toning.  Soft on the body workouts with hard body results!

It’s Fast

You can personalize your resistance levels, and move through the activities in your SoloStrength program by easily adjusting the support bar in a matter of seconds.  This allows you to do more, in less time, and increase your cardio and fat burning benefits while getting the valuable ongoing benefits of resistance training to strengthen, stretch and tone your body.  With the SoloStrength FUSE, you get a combined benefit similar to having a cardio and weight lifting workout at the same time.


There is no other option that can give you as much in as little time or more simply than the fitness you receive by using SoloStrength FUSE.

There is nothing like it

There are so many fitness options to distract you from your time – if what you want is to have:

·         a great level of fitness that you can easily maintain throughout your entire life

·         spending the least time possible,

·         have your body move, feel, and work like you want it to


Then the SoloStrength FUSE and complete fitness programs are for you.

Balance your fitness, balance your life, and spend your time enjoying the things you love while feeling great.  

That’s what living with SoloStrength is all about.